domingo, 4 de outubro de 2020

Lisbon Law Review__ Feminism is “the most criminal regime in history"

A Law Professor at the University of Lisbon (Francisco Aguilar) has published an article in the Lisbon Law Review (Revista de Direito Civil) in which he claims that feminism is as bad as nazism and also, that women want to eliminate men and destroy the western civilization. 

The members of the Scientific Committee  of the Lisbon Law Review can be found below:

Christian Baldus

Dinah Shelton

Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet

Jea-Louis Halpérin

José Luis Díez Ripollés

José Luís García-Pita y Lastres

Judith Martins-Costa

Ken Pennington

Marc Burgenberg

Marco António Marques da Silva

Miodrag Jovanovic

Pedro Ortego Gil

Pierluigi Chiassoni