sábado, 20 de junho de 2020

"peace engineering" and the mechanikogenic problems


Above link to a very recent essay by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Check also the essay on the link below by the late P. Aarne Vesilind about the mechanikogenic effect that was coined by the Engineer Drew Endy


Before refering to engineers as "hired guns" Vesilind´s essay begins with a short description of the word "engineer". Unfortunately he forgot this:  “The root of both the words, Engineer and Engine is found in the Sanskrit jan, to be born..and the Latin gen, the latter being embodied in the old verb genere, with its compound ingenere (changed into ingignere), to implant by birth...As a matter of record, jan does not really mean birth, but means life. In all likelihood, “Origin” (1910) made a minor error, probably because of unfamiliarity with Sanskrit. Birth is actually derived from jan, when life is given to a soul or entity, but is not jan itself (in Sanskrit, jan=life and janam=birth) in J. Prof. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract. 2007.133:18-30.