domingo, 31 de outubro de 2021

The scientists who have abandoned the cowardly Ivory Tower rhetoric

Continuing to echo the inspiring perspective shared in the aforementioned post, where courageous scientists made the bold decision to break free from the cowardly Ivory Tower rhetoric, opting instead for direct and rebellious actions—similar to those detailed here.

See below one of the latest papers by the Alliance of World Scientists "the only independent, grass-roots organization comprised of scientists from around the world committed to the well-being of humanity and the planet" of which I´m a member: 

"Overconsumption presents a major obstacle to social and environmental sustainability. Systemic social, legal, and economic strategies are absolutely necessary, but individuals are still accountable for their lifestyle choices and associated environmental footprints. Anti-consumption (rejection, reduction, reclamation) has its limitations but could contribute to pro-environmental change, helping resolve biodiversity and climate crises. Regardless of societal consumption patterns, individuals can still make great gains in well-being and personal development by upholding their environmental and social values, minimizing personal resource consumption. Challenging the cultural norms of overconsumption requires individuals to employ mental fortitude in attempts to act justly toward the entire community of life"

PS - It's crucial to bear in mind that the fashion industry, ensnared in a disposable culture, contributes to a larger carbon footprint than the combined emissions of both the aviation and cement industries.