sábado, 28 de novembro de 2020

BoKlok__"Sustainable, quality homes at a low price, for all"

The title of this post was taken from here https://www.boklok.com/ its no doubt a catchy and ambitious advertisement still I´m always suspicious about corporate grand statements like this one by the company BoKlok, a partnership between Ikea and Skanska that have already built several thousand homes in Sweden, Finland and Norway and are now building several hundred in UK.

Saying that the future of sustainable construction is new modular construction forgets that Europe has 220 million buildings that need to be energy renovated  https://pacheco-torgal.blogspot.com/2020/10/progress-made-by-eu-countries-towards.html and it would be moronic to think that new constructions could be more sustainable than energy renovations https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09613210601068161

Last but not least, sustainable buildings are not enough, as Covid-19 has shown we need also healthy buildings. Still on this issue let´s not forget that Horve et al. (2019) recalled the anecdotal fact that, when architects describe “healthy building” principles, they routinely speak of access to daylight and outside air https://www.nature.com/articles/s41370-019-0157-y