sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2021

Nature - The authorship rows that sour scientific collaborations

Interestingly, in the recent article published in Nature (which begins with the report of a young researcher who was forced to swallow a frog concerning the authorship of a publication) is the result of a survey of 500 articles in medical journals that points to 18% that contained co-authors who contributed zero to these publications.

Contrary to what is written in the article above, I have no illusions and, therefore, I have little hope about the efficacy of the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system launched in 2014. Since that system started it was not able to prevent "super-scientists" like Didier Raoult to put his name in all of his institute's publications. "Raoult's extremely high publication rate results from his "attaching his name to nearly every paper that comes out of his institute",[31] a practice that has been called "grossly unethical" by Steven Salzberg"

Below are three recent articles by the same Didier Raoult (DR), which shows that he is not only a super prolific author, with thousands of publications indexed in Scopus (only in the first five months of 2021 there are almost 100), but also that in each publication he even takes care of several tasks. Not only does he design the experiments, he also analyzes the data and contributes to the writing of the articles !!!

Author contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: DR, PEF, PC and PG. 
Contributed materials/analysis tools: PEF, PC, AL, CD, PG, MB, JD, LB, LP, JCL and FF. 
Analysed the data: PEF, PC, AL, PG, JD, JCL, FF and DR
Wrote the paper: PEF, PC, CD, PG and DR

Author contributions
Conceived and designed the study: PC, DR
Designed and/or performed experiments: VTH, JD, MB, LB, VB, MBK. 
Analyzed patients’ data: PG, MM, JCL. Analyzed and interpreted data: PC, AL, PG, FF, IB, RS, MM, AP, HC, MM, HTD, JCL, SM, PEF, DR
Wrote the manuscript: PC, AL, PG, FF, MM, HC, MM, HTD, JCL, PEF, DR

Credit authorship contribution statement
Conceived and designed the experiments: DR, PC. 
Contributed materials/analysis tools: MB, PEF, LH, AL, JD, LP, AP, AC, HTD, PB, CS, EA, RS, SM, IB, PC. Analyzed the data: MB, PC, DR
Wrote the paper: PC, MB, DR.