I now understand why USA does not care even a little bit about how many will be killed in Iran due to USA sanctions that prevent that country to acquire medical supplies to fight coronavirus. The reason is that USA is also willing to kill all their elders to save the economy
The moment i read about some Americans praying as a way to stop the hurricane Dorian https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2019/08/31/these-florida-christians-think-their-prayers-will-stop-hurricane-dorian/ i realized that something very wrong is happening in that country but i could never imagine that madness includes elder mass sacrifice.
I do remember that the Nazi psychopaths had killed several thousand disabled Germans under the Aktion-T4 involuntary euthanasia program. Of course USA Government will not kill their elders it will just ask them to sacrifice to save the economy ! Its much different !
Does anyone remember that famous speech by Winston Churchill in the middle of World War II ? "Our elderly and our patients must die quickly so that our soldiers have no shortage of food and medicines". Not a surprise because it never happened. The real surprise is why is happening now ?