segunda-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2021

Germany is phasing out the Academic habilitation


"There are two main career tracks in the German university system. The traditional track consists—at junior level—of a 6 + 6year period based on an ‘uporout’ principle: 6year doctoral period (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), eventually followed by a 6year postdoctoral period (wissenschaftlicher Assistent) aimed to achieve a habilitation...Germany is phasing out the habilitation...The habilitation aims to reduce the chances of lowquality hiring and institutional inbreeding, yet there is no evidence about its effectiveness in increasing the quality of hiring...Moreover, the habilitation process discourages and hinders candidates from other systems by impinging burdensome bureaucratic requirements" 

Seeber, M. and Mampaey, J. (2021) How do university systems' features affect academic inbreeding? Career rules and language requirements in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Higher Education Quarterly.