Parece que os Suiços não querem facilitar a
vida aqueles investigadores que tem o curioso hábito de se auto-citarem de
forma excessiva.
"To my knowledge, this is the first time that a code of conduct is expanded by a prestigious academic organization to include several additional dimensions of how scientific work is done, credited, recognized, cited and appropriated,” said John Ioannidis, an expert on the process of research at Stanford University who has raised the alert over extreme self-citation by scientists"
"To my knowledge, this is the first time that a code of conduct is expanded by a prestigious academic organization to include several additional dimensions of how scientific work is done, credited, recognized, cited and appropriated,” said John Ioannidis, an expert on the process of research at Stanford University who has raised the alert over extreme self-citation by scientists"
Não faria porém muito mais sentido que os Suiços se preocupassem menos com uma infracção a que só recorrem cientistas pouco espertos, que é facilmente detectável e cujos efeitos são facilmente anulados de forma automatica, e se preocupassem muito mais com a falta de ética daqueles cientistas manhosos que conseguem produzir artigos mesmo quando estão a dormir ?