Above a link for an interesting post in Leonid Schneider´s blog. We must not forget that "pure" Whites are just the group of people that descend from those born several centuries ago in the UK, Germany, and in Scandinavia countries (the so-called Germanic tribe's descendants who in turn are descendants of the mighty (and most intelligent) Odin in whom lies the explanation for the origins of their tremendous IQs).
Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece natives have excessive tanning, and as Eastern countries have no bloodline connections back to Odin so they are not really Whites (therefore, lacking tremendous IQs) and that is why several decades ago USA has "imposed racial quotas limiting Italian American immigration...and immigration from other southern European and eastern European nations".
Even today the USA has University Professors that (like the orange genius Donald Trump) do not want non-white immigration in their country, probably because they have not been informed that too many tremendous IQs can be a very dangerous thing https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2020/10/24/can-too-many-brainy-people-be-a-dangerous-thing
PS1 - The image above is from a group of true American natives (not the American Indians) who use to dress in white uniforms long before Christopher Columbus's arrival, which is enough proof that America was first discovered and colonized by White Vikings. But since America was a very sunny place, the white uniforms were used by Vikings only to avoid excessive tanning, because they already knew that excessive tanning led to a severe IQ reduction.
PS2 - A few years ago I applied for a Chair position in a Swedish University (a very White country, in fact, one of the whitest countries of them all) and the 4 candidates admitted to the second phase (two Swedish, one Chinese, and one Portuguese) had to prepare a presentation. In slide 6 of my presentation i quoted the Portuguese Eduardo Lourenço (essayist, professor, critic, philosopher, and writer) who just died on December the first:
"My greatest pride as Portuguese is the fact that we are a mix of people and races"