sábado, 10 de abril de 2021

Research expenditure is not the strongest predictor of countries scientific impact


Continuing the discussion from the previous post on the question "Why do nations produce scientific advances and new technology?"—you may find valuable insights in a recent paper linked below titled "Is culture related to strong science? An empirical investigation." This paper, authored by Lutz Bornmann, recipient of the Derek de Solla Price Memorial Medal in 2019, was published online this week.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1751157721000316#fig0005

A noteworthy section of the aforementioned paper highlights the research conducted by Allik et al., which demonstrates that research expenditure isn't the most significant predictor of a country's scientific impact. Instead, good governance, as measured by six indicators, including the absence of corruption, emerges as the strongest predictor.