quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2021

Paper__"Why Does the United States Have the Best Research Universities? Incentives, Resources, and Virtuous Circles"

Two Professors of Economics at Columbia University just authored a paper published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives that says wonderful things about American Research Universities. In the beginning of that paper, they use a figure about Nobel winners’ biographies that mention universities in different countries as a measure of the strength of American universities and the German and British decline. 

That is i must say a most unfortunate scientific approach because if they had as they were supposed to read the paper "An empirical study of the per capita yield of science Nobel prizes: is the US era coming to an end?" by Claudius Gros, Physics Professor at Goethe University Frankfurt, they would have seen the obvious. That USA is, in fact, a Nobel powerhouse in decline contrary to UK  https://pacheco-torgal.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-future-of-researchthe-18-billion.html

And that is without even including Switzerland in the picture because this country has a much higher ratio (Nobel prizes/million inhabitants) than the USA and even than UK and it also has the highest ratio in the world in what concerns the number of Top 100 Global Innovators per million inhabitants https://clarivate.com/top-100-innovators/

PS - If USA really wants to be on the top of the Nobel game probably they should start  listening to the Republican who has recently suggested that "US scientists should be paid more so they are able to resist job and funding offers from foreign countries, such as China"