sábado, 2 de outubro de 2021

Six books to understand the future according to the President of YCombinator

According to YCombinator’s President, the book mentioned in the post above is one of the six books essential for understanding the future  https://www.fastcompany.com/90656869/6-books-about-the-future-ycombinator

Another significant book in this category is "Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction" by Philip E. Tetlock and Dan Gardner. This book delves deeply into the art and science of making accurate predictions, providing valuable insights for anyone interested in forecasting future trends and events. On the topic of forecasting, the image above, taken from the document linked below, offers a fascinating glimpse into Russia's foresight efforts. 

The image highlights a truly remarkable historical phenomenon: the gradual yet profound shift of the global economic center from Asia to the Western world, a transition that unfolded over the course of nearly 1900 years. This long and steady migration of economic dominance encapsulates significant developments in trade, industry, and geopolitical power dynamics throughout the centuries. Equally astonishing, if not more so, is the rapid reversal of this trend in modern times. In a mere century, the global economic center has swung back to Asia, a testament to the region's explosive growth and burgeoning influence in the global market