terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2020

Stanford University___accelerate the risk of extinction


Let´s also not forget that this Stanford professor is the same that a few years ago wrote that:
"shattering collapse of civilization is a near certainty"

About collapse check a paper by Emeritus John Gowdy on the journal Futures 

Still on collapse check also https://pacheco-torgal.blogspot.com/2020/01/assessment-of-10001-publications-on.html

P.S - Also worth seeing is the open letter  "European call: three solutions for climate and employmentinitially signed by 700 people but that was already signed by more than 1 million. According to this initiative, these "three solutions would provide sufficient money to finance a just transition that would be fair for workers, communities and citizens… to create more than 5 million jobs in Europe”

I find especially interesting the part below:
"In 2010, to fight tax evasion, Barack Obama passed the FATCA law. It closed the US market to banks that did not provide the US tax authorities with full transparency. Similarly, to fight climate change, we need a "FATCA-Climate law" that reserves the EU market to banks and insurance firms that have redirected their investments to be consistent with the Green Deal"