terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2020

The American tradition of taking credit for the efforts of others

Trump friends are now demanding credit for the most recent Covid-19 vaccine (link above) but that should not be a surprise because American scientists are the ones that invented the nice tradition that allows some super scientists to have thousands of papers conveniently forgetting the authorship standards. See paper below. And if USA scientists act like that how can it be surprising that Trump friends act in the same way?

“When cardiologists become directors of major clinical and research centers, for example, they can see their authorship go up 10-fold. Their names get embedded in what their center produces. It’s a norm that field has adopted, even though it doesn’t necessarily meet rigorous authorship standards.” https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/09/some-scientists-publish-more-70-papers-year-here-s-how-and-why-they-do-it

PS - Truth be told the American tradition of taking credit for the work of others is not as damaging as the other American tradition of not paying taxes in Europe https://www.taxjustice.net/2018/06/25/new-report-is-apple-paying-less-than-1-tax-in-the-eu/