quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2020

Elite Quality Index 2020 by country__A fake ranking made in Switzerland ?

E o Melhor Castelo da Europa é… O Palácio da Pena!

I know my country well enough to say that i´m pretty sure the text below taken from the 100-page just published report has nothing to do with the reality:
"Portuguese elites have a middling score (rank 14th) in the group of the sampled countries, ranking better than others in southern Europe such as Italy (rank 17th) or Spain (rank 18th) and even better than France (rank 15th)"

Portugal has the third-highest national debt per GDP in Europe and it is in the Top 10 of countries with more money in off-shores in the percentage of GDP and to makes things even worse it loses around 8% of its GDP for corruption. https://www.greens-efa.eu/files/doc/docs/e46449daadbfebc325a0b408bbf5ab1d.pdf

A few years ago Portugal bought two submarines to German in a 900 million euro deal, an investigation carried out in Germany found that 6.4 million euro was paid as bribes to some Portuguese officials but strangely the Portuguese justice could not found who receive the bribes: "the Portuguese public prosecutor dropped the case, saying that proving the payments were received was too hard a task"

PS - Nevertheless, Portugal also has some good things like being one of the safest countries in the world (having been one of the first to abolish the death penalty) being the home of the eighth wonder of the world (60 minutes Australia said itand also for this  Not to mention having several interesting palaces like the Palacio da Pena pictured above or the fact of being the world leader concerning the ratio Top1% Peer reviews/population, something that not even Covid-19 has changed  https://pacheco-torgal.blogspot.com/2020/05/covid-19-has-changed-peer-review.html