sábado, 5 de outubro de 2019

“Is Meat a Luxury?”

Abstract: Once perceived as a nutritional and occasional bonus, meat has now daily presence in the affluent West, serving human appetite for food. Although meat is not a product typically associated with luxury, its large ecological footprint poses the question whether it is time to challenge consumers' perception about animal-based proteins. The purpose of this chapter is to gain a perspective on how consumers respond to the idea of meat being a luxury product. A 2017 Sydney study investigated the concept of luxury meat and meat consumption amongst three generations – Xers, GenY and GenZ. It shows the emerging meaning of luxury goods related to meat that is sustainable, healthy and socially responsible, in response to climate change and feeding the world's population. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/is-meat-a-luxury/199395

acima o resumo de uma interessante publicação que ajuda a complementar o que se 
tinha escrito aqui https://pacheco-torgal.blogspot.com/2019/09/consumir-muita-carne-um-habito-das.html Tenha-se presente que até mesmo a famosa McDonald´s já percebeu que o futuro terá forçosamente que ser diferente do passado e há uma semana atrás fez algo antes considerado impensável https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/26/business/mcdonalds-plant-based-burgers-canada.html