sobre o post acima recorde-se o estudo, realizado numa aldeia do concelho da
Covilhã por investigadores da UAveiro, LNEG e INSA, que concluiu pela contaminação
dos solos e plantas para consumo humano com metais pesados (arsénio, cádmio e
chumbo), que nalguns casos chegam a exceder em 2000% os limites admissíveis que é o tipo
de coisas de que não fala o Secretário de Estado Galamba:
"The mining and
beneficiation process at Panasqueira mine produces mine wastes that are largely
responsible for the high levels of metals/metalloids at the Barroca Grande
tailings, releasing considerable amounts of heavy metals and metalloids in the
surrounding soils and water....Vegetables grown in the nearby sites were also
contaminated, in one way, for potatoes there is a preferential accumulation in
the roots and leaves while for the cabbage most elements have a preferential
accumulation in the roots and, in another way, As, Cd and Pb
concentrations are above the maximum permitted level for vegetables
proposed by FAO/WHO, which could be a potential health concern to local
imagem retirada do referido estudo com a localização dos sítios onde foram
recolhidas as amostras analisadas.