segunda-feira, 18 de novembro de 2019

Nobel Stiglitz strikes again

Still following the post above,  where I had the occasion to mention the Nobel Joseph Stiglitz, see below a recent and very interesting article by the very same J.Stiglitz
"In rich and poor countries alike, elites promised that neoliberal policies would lead to faster economic growth, and that the benefits would trickle down so that everyone, including the poorest, would be better off. To get there, though, workers would have to accept lower wages, and all citizens would have to accept cutbacks in important government programs....The elites claimed that their promises were based on scientific economic models and “evidence-based research.” Well, after 40 years, the numbers are in: growth has slowed, and the fruits of that growth went overwhelmingly to a very few at the top. As wages stagnated and the stock market soared, income and wealth flowed up, rather than trickling down."