quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2019

The Pursuit of Success in Academia and the 10 people that mattered in Science in 2019

See also the article below by the well known Albert-László Barabási, Director, Center for Complex Network Research https://www.barabasilab.com/
"The degree of success... denoted "S," is broken down into two components: The essentially random quality of the underlying idea, symbolized by "r," and the ability of the creator behind the project to actually bring ideas in a given field to fruition...repeated struggles in a particular field could suggest an underlying lack of talent in that field....if our Q-factor isn't resonating with our job, we should consider if we've pinned our hopes on the wrong career path."https://www.businessinsider.com/physicist-albert-laszlo-barabasi-formula-success-2018-12

But much more important see in the link below the 10 people that mattered in Science in 2019 

The first one in Nature´s list is Ricardo Galvão, the scientist who was fired by Bolsonaro a few months ago. The same one that I commented in an email later placed as a post in August 9, when i also commented about hundreds of scientists being persecuted in Turkey: "In my view being sacked for serving the truth has more value than to published in Science or in Nature and being jailed for that reason is more important than to get a Nobel prize" 
just because the higher duty of "Speak the truth to Power" is much harder than to get published in Science or in Nature and sometimes even harder than to receive a Nobel prize  https://pacheco-torgal.blogspot.com/2019/10/scientists-as-activists.html