domingo, 12 de julho de 2020

"Perfection is not the destiny of the Universe"

Below are some recent words of the physicist Guido Tonelli about his book "Genesis: The Story of How Everything Began".

"Let us look at the universe before Higgs: it is perfect because, wherever we look, it is homogeneous, it has the same amount of particles traveling at the speed of light, all without mass, identical. It is a work of perfection ... But this is not our destination, luckily for us. And this is due to this particular series of circumstances. The Higgs field changes everything. With it, we lose symmetry, particles differ (there are particles heavy particles, light particles, massless particles), the symmetry between the electromagnetic force and the weak force is broken. Symmetry is lost and dynamics are gained, the bases for evolution, dynamics and the changes that will happen later are put in place ... if we want...dynamics, we must not ask for perfection. This is something that we can also bring it into our life"