domingo, 12 de julho de 2020

Actualização de recordes

O número de recordes mencionado no post cima em Maio já está desactualizado pois se não estou em erro o número total agora já vai em 17. 

Records in the University of Minho:
- Highest ratio of edited papers/(year since PhD)
- Highest number of revisions
- Highest number of Scopus indexed edited books

National records in the field of Civil Engineering:
- Highest Scopus platinum h-index 
- Highest K-index
- Most cited book ever
- Second most cited book ever
- Highest number of books in the Top 10 most cited ever
- Highest number of citations in international patents
- Highest number of papers in the Top 40 most cited ever
- Highest percentage of highly cited publications with at least 100 Scopus citations 
- Scopus Highly Cited Scientists (Stanford 2019) with the least percentage of self-citations
- Scopus Highly Cited Scientists (Stanford 2019) cited in more Scopus research fields 
- Only Scopus Highly Cited Scientists (Stanford 2019) cited in scientific journals with an impact factor greater than 50
- Only Scopus Highly Cited Scientists (Stanford 2019) with publications cited in the journal that has the highest impact factor in the area of materials worldwide

World records in the field of civil engineering:
- Highest number of edited Scopus indexed books
- Highest ratio confirmed revisions/(years since PhD)